Duration: 1.5hrs (approx)

Cost: $200

Maybe you felt pressured and coerced, maybe you felt you had no other choice.

Maybe you trusted and thought it was the right choice for yourself or others around you.

Maybe you’ve felt different since the vaccine was administered, maybe you’ve felt nothing.

Maybe you have noticed changes in your body since, maybe you have not.

Maybe you have suffered one of the many adverse reactions or maybe you just know in your heart that this does not belong in your body.

Whatever your reasoning, I welcome you with no judgement, for everyone’s journey is their own. Trust your Inner knowing and trust the Universe; for it has led you here. There is a reason why you are searching for the possibility of the vaccine to be removed from your being.

I trusted my Inner knowing, it called and it led me here. It connected me with many beautiful souls, ready to help humanity heal and regain their power.

Return to sovereignty & god - the healing

by the Venus Twins

(“copyright” Wisdom Woven in Time Healing)

Also referred to as Return To Sovereignty & God - The Healing, channelled by “The Venus Twins” Georgie and Claire, this beautiful healing has been gifted to humanity from God and ancient benevolent beings known as “The Andromedan Council of 9”. It focusses on removing from the body, the harmful components of the COVID-19 vaccines and injuries caused by these vaccines. This specific protocol has been shared and studied by a growing number of facilitators, in our quest to help people around the world heal.

Although there is no Medical guarantee, the Council of Andromeda also known as the Council of Zenae (your Galactic Soul Family) do guarantee that this beautiful energetic healing will remove the harmful components of the COVID-19 vaccines and any associated injuries at a cellular level, provided the recipient has given consent and holds the right intention and belief in its success.

It is crucial that a belief in God/Source/Creator (a creative/energetic power greater than yourself whatever you wish to call it) exists for this healing to take place. As well as a belief in your healer, guides and other spiritual helpers. It is important that you also believe in your body’s own power to heal itself.

This healing is only suitable for those who have the right intentions and belief that the vaccines and vaccine injuries can be removed with our collective healing powers.

It is important to note that this healing is not a cure to heal you of ALL your health ailments, particularly those that were present prior to the vaccine administration. However, with the harmful components of the vaccine removed, you can assist your body’s ability to heal other ailments that you choose to address.

This healing not only removes COVID -19 vaccines and injuries, but it also reclaims the personal sovereignty over an individual’s body, which was lost the moment the vaccine was administered. It empowers individuals to take control of their spiritual and physical health and regains connection to Source.


This Vaccine Removal healing is similar to a reiki healing however with specific intention and assistance from God to remove the harmful components of the vaccine and associated injuries. 

We will begin with a pre healing consultation which will take approximately 20 minutes.

The healing itself is performed on a treatment table and will last for 30-40 minutes. You don’t have to do anything except relax into the healing with intention and acceptance while I channel healing energy through your body. After this, we will conclude with a gentle post healing chat so please allow approximately 1.5 hours for your appointment.

Please note, if you have been diagnosed with a heart issue (eg, pericarditis or myocarditis) you will require a second healing.

It is a truly beautiful healing!

Want to know more??

If you are interested in reading more about The Venus Twins, this magical healing and Return to Sovereignty & God - The Course, click below.

“The Venus Twins” have a list of FAQ’s that will help answer some of your questions.

Unsure if and how this healing can help?

Check out the case studies and some of Lisa Schermerhorn’s interviews showing the positive changes in the live blood samples of some recipients of this healing:
